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Daniel Cuello

Daniel Cuello 02 sito

Daniel Cuello is a comic artist and illustrator—part Argentine, part Italian, and somehow neither. He loves drawing and storytelling, so he does both. At the same time.

He has published several works with Bao Publishing, including Residenza Arcadia (2017, nominated for the Gran Guinigi Award that same year), Mercedes (2019, winner of the Micheluzzi Award for Best Comic at Napoli Comicon 2020), Guardati dal beluga magico (2018), and Le buone maniere (2022), which won the Gran Premio Romics for Best Comic in 2023.

He has collaborated with various magazines and publishers, including Baldini+Castoldi, Linus, Becco Giallo, DeAgostini, Longanesi, Treccani, Jacobin Italia, Corriere della Sera, and many others.

But most importantly, he has appeared twice in La Settimana Enigmistica quizzes—an achievement of epic proportions.