Libri Finti Clandestini is a "cosmopolitan and mischievous" collective formed by artists El Pacino (Milan, 1988-), Aniv Delarev (Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacán, 1980-), and Yghor Kowalvsky (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 1985-).
The LFC project was born from a philosophy of recycling and downscaling. The collective’s goal is to create real books (sketchbooks, notebooks, travel diaries, book-objects) using only discarded paper that would otherwise be considered waste: printing house scraps, test prints, makeready sheets, shopping bags, posters, envelopes, bread bags, and even wallpaper.
The paper they use has the most diverse pedigree possible, sourced from print workshops, festivals, private homes, abandoned factories across Europe, universities, libraries, and more.