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A community of creatives and designers

Printclubtorino About

A dynamic and multi-project cultural centre

The Print Club Torino Cultural Association APS, founded in 2015, is unique in the panorama of Italian creativity, a laboratory dedicated to printing and graphic arts in which to experiment and share ideas, techniques and processes. It offers illustrators, designers, students and enthusiasts the resources needed to give life to their visions, providing tools, materials and adequate spaces, supported by professional consultancy. With the Graphic Days® brand, Print Club has promoted an international visual design festival in Turin outside the laboratory spaces since 2016 and diffuse initiatives ranging from the exhibition, educational and laboratory fields to urban regeneration and social design.

Experimenting is the laboratory’s mission

The Print Club promotes the search for new expressive languages through the creation of a fertile, informal and open environment for creativity; the valorization of the local fabric of designers and artists is accompanied by opening up to the international context, the adoption of innovative and cutting-edge technologies with attention to the inheritance of the practical and theoretical knowledge of craftsmen. The Print Club is a creative printing laboratory, a training space and a place of dissemination, a cultural reference point for the creative community.

It is located inside Toolbox Coworking, a space that hosts freelancers, companies and startups active in the sectors of innovation, design, tech and communication.

Print Club activities


The Print Club is a laboratory where you can work, print and give life to new production. Inside, age-old techniques meet new digital technologies (engraving, screen printing, laser, inkjet, and risograph) in order to explore new, expressive languages. An environment where sharing knowledge gives rise to occasions for encountering new projects and professional opportunties.

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The courses

The Print Club promotes training in craftsmanship in the graphic field through courses, workshops and meetings aimed at the creation of new professionals and simple enthusiasts or those who are approaching the world of printing for the first time, with particular attention to the world of the school.

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The projects

The Print Club takes care of dissemination activities in the field of graphics, design and printing through a specialized library that contains texts, magazines, manuals and other media supports for free and shared consultation and through a program of events to encourage dialogue and a broader comparison on these issues.

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Who we are


Giuseppe Quercia

Vice President

Silvia Barbero

Director & Artistic Director

Ilaria Reposo, Fabio Guida

Laboratory manager

Luisella Cresto


Christian Racca

Training, Design & Production

Camilla Zaggia

Communications & Press Office

Raffaella Bucci
Costanza Clot

Project team

Sabrina Casu
Mida Fiore

Fundraising & Administration

Giovanna Pasquariello


Graphic Days®

An international festival of visual and social design that has been held in Turin since 2016, as well as a permanent laboratory for design and dissemination, curating and producing cultural activities with social impact. The initiatives in the area range from exhibitions, educational and workshop activities to urban regeneration and social design.

It is promoted by the Print Club Torino association, Quattrolinee, and the Plug association.

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A brand agency that unites strategy, design and technology to create innovative communication actions. It is an active member of the cultural association PLUG Creativity since its foundation and is one of the promoters of the printing and graphic experimentation laboratory Print Club Torino.

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Young Board

The Print Club staff is supported by a group of students passionate about visual and social design, who collaborate in identifying issues at the centre of public debate and in the creation of new projects.

Cecile Barailler
Valentina Cannariato
Riccardo Cecati
Erik Di Francesco
Mattia Lorenzo Nicolais Fenoglio
Noah Ferraris
Federico Negri
Emanuele Pece

Partners & supporters

Technical partners

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A unique gem in the landscape of Italian creativity!

Print Club is a space for creative production, a physical hub within Toolbox Coworking, a laboratory where you can work, print and bring new projects to life. It serves as a catalyst for a dynamic creative community, fostering experimentation and the sharing of ideas, techniques and projects.

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