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Schools and universities

Printclubtorino scuole univ abadir progettazione

A recognized training body

Print Club Torino offers students and teachers the tools, materials and spaces needed to give shape to ideas and projects with the help of professional consultancy, through training courses that combine handicraft techniques and digital technologies; it acts as a bridge between the world of scholastic and academic training and that of the creative professions. Numerous specialized workshops have been organized dedicated to different techniques of printing, calligraphy, collage, illustration techniques with paper, woodcutting, printing on fabric, from the experimentation of handicraft practices to new digital technologies.

The training courses

The proposal includes courses and workshops aimed at the production and design of printed materials and the creation of digital craft projects in the field of graphics and the visual arts. The courses are customized based on the school needs and the level of competence of the students and are aimed at high schools and universities. They can vary in duration and delivery method, alternating meetings in the classroom and in the laboratory throughout the year.

The collaborations

Print Club has several active collaborations with numerous educational institutes specialized in graphics (Turin Polytechnic, IED, IAAD, Scuola Comics, Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti, Artistic High School Aldo Passoni, Professional Institute Albe Steiner…) for the management and organization of educational laboratories. In the context of high schools Print Club develops Paths for transversal skills and orientation (PCTO) that involves entire classes with theoretical lessons and practical exercises, in addition to the activation of internship paths aimed at introducing young professionals to the world of printing and communication.

Residential courses

Inside the Print Club it is also possible to carry out immersive practical experiences through continuous activities lasting a week. In these courses the laboratory activity aimed at creating a production with the printing techniques and machinery of the Print Club is supported by the knowledge of the context of the city of Turin, through appointments with cultural institutions and entities that operate in the field of graphics and visual arts. In 2023 Montana State University was hosted.

Creative workshops for children and teenagers

Starting from the 2022 edition of the Graphic Days® festival, the Print Club promotes laboratory activities for schools and families to involve children and young people in visual design activities with the aim of stimulating the development of creativity and cognitive skills in the new generations. The activities, aimed at the 3-13 age group, are organized within laboratory spaces or in external contexts as part of the festival and events in the area. Furthermore in 2023 and 2024 a series of workshops was curated in the Geisser Library.