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Printclubtorino ambiente creativo

A creative and stimulating environment

The training activities and experiences curated by the Print Club in the laboratory or in external spaces offer useful support to companies in managing groups and in stimulating innovative and brainstorming processes. Furthermore, the skills in the field of communication and production allow the creation of original and quality instruments for the promotion of the corporate image.

Team building

Through the use of handicraft tools and the creation of manual activities, the Print Club offers courses aimed at companies to create and strengthen work groups, promote new skills and work methods and encourage creative processes. The experience engages the participants in the creation of a common project aimed at the creation of a printed support and allows them to participate in all the phases of the creative process, from the development of the shared idea through comparison to the choice of materials and the physical creation of the object.

Training Activities

Inside the Print Club it is possible to attend different training courses in the creative field, through a wide calendar of workshops aimed at heterogeneous audiences, professionals, neophytes or simple enthusiasts, to experiment with different techniques, with internal tutors and international guests. It is possible to take part in activities that are already structured or request the organization of ad hoc courses for the company.

Personalized productions

Print Club Torino designs and creates ad hoc products: everything is hand made using the machinery and techniques present in the laboratory. Diaries, calendars, planners to do lists and notebooks can be defined and personalized at the request of the company.

Cultural and communication design

Through the Graphic Days® brand, cultural and social projects are curated in collaboration with companies and corporate social responsibility activities during the festival and throughout the year. Furthermore, thanks to great experience in the field of communication and design, brand identity, strategic communication and visual communication services are also offered.