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PrintClub Torino artisti ilse

From the idea to production

From the support in file management to the choice of materials, techniques and formats, the Print Club offers invaluable help in giving shape to ideas and projects and giving life to new artistic productions, in a stimulating and dynamic environment in which to experiment with new creations and processes.

Specialized and customized productions

Print Club creates ad hoc products; everything is hand made using the machinery and techniques present in the laboratory: from small-run editorial productions and art prints to the creation of diaries, calendars, notebooks, planners and to do lists. Inside the Print Club it is possible to design and create specialized productions with the help of tutors who guide you in choosing the best solution or, alternatively, it is possible to ask for the declination and customization of products already existing.

Selling in the Print Club shop

The products made with the Print Club can also be sold in the shop (online or directly in the laboratory spaces) through a sales consignment agreement to be stipulated ad hoc. A way to signal collaboration between similar realities and to have an additional sales channel and visibility.