Around the world

“Around the world” is a collective project, a shared and ideal journey.

Meeting, discovery, emotions and desire to be together are the purposes we want to explore. Our freedom is severely limited, now that traveling has become extremely complicated but you can also start using creativity and, as the only baggage, the curiosity to know other places and new stories.

How can I get involved?

Just a few rules, but you have to pay attention!

  1. Choose a shape: circle, rectangle or triangle (7cm x 7cm size).
  2. Draw inside this shape the landscape, city, detail, view that you want to represent. It can be real or imaginary, a place that you know or a place where you never have been.
  3. Send us your design by email, rigorously monochrome (black).

NB. If you are a designer or illustrator and would like to use a graphics software, no problem: send us a pdf or a jpeg. If you are not accustomed to technology you can send us a scan of your work.

Then what?

All of the works will become wooden stamps, with laser cut engraving. Following the japanese tradition every wooden stamp will tell us something about a place and the collection of all of them will bring us all around the world.

We will make a limited edition booklet where every page will be composed of one of the different wooden stamps with the design that you sent us. We ask you a small contribution of 15€ + shipment cost that will help us to support a part of the production expenses.

From this project we would like to give birth to a special Print Club Torino fanzine that will include all of the material that we have received. If you want to be part of it you will have a discount on the fanzine.


The project is carried out by Print Club Torino, a creative laboratory for printing and graphic arts where you can experiment and share ideas, techniques and processes.

The wooden stamps are made by Fablab Torino, the first digital manufacturing laboratory opened in Italy, thanks to the availability and professionalism of Damiano Frison.

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